Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Tax Cuts! Repeal and Replace! Drain the Swamp! Close the Border! We'll protect you from those dastardly Democrats!

This time for sure!

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I would like to see the GOP articulate positions on a wide range of issues and have an agenda for the country instead of just Senile Man Bad. Why is the GOP hiding? In addition to the culture war issues (crime, trans madness, education, etc.) we have the ticking time bomb of the debt and nobody is talking about it. Republicans and Democrats used to argue about how fast to row TOWARD the waterfall. Now they don't even argue (and that goes for Trump too), it's full speed ahead. I'm afraid all of our debates about race, abortion, healthcare, gay marriage and legalized pot won't matter a lick when the US (and thus global economy) truly crashes. We'll be eating out of landfills and living in a Mad Max world for a couple of centuries.

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