You left out the biggest factor in determining if he would exit the race, Edith Wilson, I mean “Dr.” Jill Biden.

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Great post. As I write this, Biden is addressing a North Carolina rally. He's fired up, often shouting, but his message is an anti-Trump screed, lies about his economy, and platitudes. This suggests he isn't a man about to withdraw from the race, and it's not a winning message. Today we saw a man animated by Trump hatred, reading ghost-written words from teleprompters, delivering a short speech. Last night we saw the real Joe Biden, and it's a scary sight. Jim Dueholm

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I read that during his rally, the crowd chanted "lock him up." Biden concurred.

I'm old enough to remember that when crowds chanted "lock her up" regarding Hillary Clinton, it was deemed a major affront to democracy and the portent of a Trump dictatorship.

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Yes, Biden said "lock him up," referring to Trump, just as Trump said "lock her up," referring to Hillary Clinton. The difference is that Biden is trying to lock Trump up, while Trump never acted on his threat despite the fact Hillary's false claims and promotion of Trump/Russia collusion surfaced during Trump's administration. Jim Dueholm

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It is most unlikely that Biden can even be reasoned with at this point. It's a common symptom of progressing dementia to be paranoid and aggressive and out of touch with reality. It's sad for Biden and dangerous for the US, but there it is.

I personally have had the opinion that the big Dem/leftist push to get rid of SCJ Clarence Thomas was to open a slot for Harris. A sure thing on the SCOTUS would look better than a maybe win in November.

Then as I said on another blog: The people who have been running the US - it's been clear that Biden isn't one of them - could make their decision as to who looks good for President and make him/her VP, Biden steps down, new VP is nominated, and deal done.

But I suspect it may be too late for the SCOTUS event to occur and I doubt Biden will go quietly no matter what.

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