As noted towards the end of your piece there are actual things in the diplomatic arena the United States could do that would help and help dramatically. Qatar exists because the United States has a major base there. We have ENORMOUS leverage to pressure this miscreant country to end its support for and protection of Hamas. Not a word. We give Egypt BILLIONS of dollars every year. In exchange they are supposed to at the very least not look the other way when monsters smuggle weapons across its border. We have ENORMOUS leverage to pressure Egypt. Not a word. Turkey is a NATO ALLY. It is openly allied with Iran and Hamas. I repeat a NATO ALLY IS OPENLY ALLIED WITH IRAN AND HAMAS. Not a word.

Literally everything the Biden administration has said and done diplomatically has harmed Israel, emboldened Iran and Hamas and made it infinitely less likely for Hamas to surrender or even reach a deal to free the hostages. If I were offering a course called "How not to assert your interests 101." This administration would be the entire syllabus.

I wont pull the lever for Trump but for this reason alone I want him to win the election. We cannot have four more years of insane people in charge of our foreign policy.

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Mr. Biden is, and has always been, an oily, corrupt person. The long trail of evidence for this is overwhelming. But like so many successful politicians, he combines an unbridled ambition for power with shamelessness and moral ambiguity. His statements toward Hamas and its benefactors reminds me of his repeated warning to our adversaries: "Don't." When it comes from Mr. Biden, it's almost always meaningless mush.

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