Perhaps if RINOs like Mitch McConnell, and yourself, had not backstabbed Trumps endorsed candidates, we would not be having this conversation.

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Or maybe Trump has been leading the GOP to one defeat after another since 2016.

You may not have noticed, but we took un-necessary beatings in 2018, 2020 and in 2022. And Trump was a major factor in our losses.

Trump is toast.

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You said it. Trump is electoral poison. We got our rear-ends kicked in 2018, 2020, and 2022 courtesy of Donald Trump. Trump is one of the worst things ever to happen to the Republican Party. I say that as one who thoroughly approved of his policies. Unfortunately, Trump is incompetent to implement those policies. We need to get younger blood and we have a fabulous bench from which to do so. Trump is a loser.

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That’s just stupid.

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We now have almost no Republicans in statewide offices in Arizona, thanks mostly to candidates endorsed by Donald Trump. Because of his influence in the primaries, Republicans gave away a lot of winnable races

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Ultra MAGA Trump. Get rid of the republicans feeding at the trough. Take the hit, to create a populist nationalist party, dump the zero carbon/subsidies/grift dump the military and pharma industrial complexes, dump the corporatocracy/new world order/globalist/technocracy of the uniparty. Whos kidding who, if the party is not changed, the continuing resolution will destroy us financially.

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