It’s probably racist to point that almost 0 (zero) gun-related crimes are committed by white “conservatives” and Republicans in any given year in this country. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, says the FBI: since they can’t find the crimes, they try to make them up. Thanks Chris Wray! We all feel soooo much safer now! I’d be interested to see that actual stats on how many Republicans commit gun crime. Propaganda works…
To borrow the famous phrase in slightly altered form: every word is true, including and and the.
It’s probably racist to point that almost 0 (zero) gun-related crimes are committed by white “conservatives” and Republicans in any given year in this country. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE, says the FBI: since they can’t find the crimes, they try to make them up. Thanks Chris Wray! We all feel soooo much safer now! I’d be interested to see that actual stats on how many Republicans commit gun crime. Propaganda works…
To quote the former Miami Dolphin football player Eugene "Mercury" Morris, justice serves more flavors than Baskin & Robbins.