A clear view of what's happening. And that's why the powers that be, in both parties, are desperate to destroy President Trump. Everyone and their grandmother are suing Trump or investigating him. we can expect that 24/7 for the entire 2023 year. The GOPe want DeSantis because they believe they can co-opt him. But he would be smart to wait until 2028, as he would only be fifty and could benefit from four years of President Trump. The 2020 election was stolen and President Trump received more votes than any prior presidential candidate. It's ridiculous to claim Brain-dead Biden received 11M more votes than the 2008 Obama. President Trump is the most popular president since Reagan. The numbers prove it and Trump supporters are more enthusiastic than anyone else. That's because Trump puts America first, keeps his promises, and gets results. Nothing is starker than the comparison between Trump and Biden.

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“That’s not the question we should be asking” [to steal Phoenix’s line from Top Gun: Maverick]... We should be asking “Is he capable of winning a general election?” And the answer is clearly No [, for multiple reasons].

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Thanks for the comment.

You might well be correct in your assessment of Trump's chances in the general election. But the question I asked is important nonetheless because whether Trump "still has it" bears on whether the GOP will be saddled with him in the general election.

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It never takes long before the riffs, as you term them, veer off into The Danger Zone...

like saying that he’d rather hang with Putin than our Intell community.

Hard to believe anyone would even think like that after Putin is doing his best to destroy the infrastructure of Ukraine..


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But you would rather support an intel community that has been exposed as totally corrupt? And you lie about what Trump said. Here's the quote and Trump was right on the money.

""Just now, President Putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016," he began. "Every U.S. intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did."

And every intelligence agency knew Russia hadn't interfered. How could you support them? They've been lying to us for decades.

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I’m not a supporter of the Intell community. They have clearly shown that they’re corrupt.

However, as soon as Trump says anything positive about Putin - even if it’s just a clumsily worded statement - the general election voter will recoil. Republican primary voters know what Trump means, but Independents will not..

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Don't drink the kool-aid. President Trump is the most popular president since Reagan. And there was nothing clumsy about his statement. He won the 2020 election in a landslide. The independent voters support him, as did Suburban women. Why would anyone think Suburban women voted differently than their husbands? And you never hear about Suburban husbands voting for Brain-dead Biden. The election was stolen. The dems rigged the voting machines and when they saw it wasn't going to be enough, they stopped counting until they could truck in millions of fraudulent ballots, manufactured in all the big cities they controlled. One telling statistic, out of slew of them, had Obama substantially beating Biden with Black voters in every precinct but the ones Biden needed to win.

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Russia did try to influence the 2016 election but only in a very minor way - by buying a small number of fb ads (https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/05/10/thousands-russian-bought-facebook-social-media-ads-released-congress/849959001/) - what they did not do was assemble “the Steele dossier”. The Russiagate hoax was a DNC&HillaryClinton dirty trick.

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Russia did not try to influence the election by buying a small number of FB ads. When Mueller tried to claim that, the Russian content farmers challenged him to take them to court. He immediately backed down. The content farmers were working for themselves, making money off of click-bait.

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Very good observation, and it's consistent with the Trump we've seen (or haven't seen) since he threw his hat in the ring. The question is whether he can keep it up, particularly if DeSantis declares and mounts a serious challenge. It's hard to think the mean and vicious Trump can stay suppressed if he feels threatened, and I don't think the tactics he used against his 2016 opponents, demeaning them out of the race, will work with DeSantis, who I suspect would challenge Trump on the issues and ignore his nasty tactics. He wouldn't have the Trump flair, but maybe people are ready for a little less drama. Jim Dueholm

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DeSantis wouldn't stand a chance against President Trump. And Trump didn't demean anyone out of the race. That's just silly. It's not surprising you didn't mention anyone by name. Trump got the votes because he listened to the legitimate grievances of the working and middle classes. Something other establishment candidates never bothered to do. And Trump championed the base's causes. That's why they supported him. The republican establishment used every underhanded trick in the book to deny Trump the nomination. When they failed, they doubled down in their opposition and supported Hillary.

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