I have spent a good deal of time trying to understand what can possibly be going on inside of the minds of people like Dennis Ross Thomas Friedman Martin Idyk Anthony Blinken etc. They are all Jews. All profess to care about Israel. All have spent entire careers immersed in the realities of the world and the middle east. All appear to be certifiably insane. An enormous amount of damage, death and destruction has been committed by those most committed to "peace." Like Tallyrand said of the Bourbons, the learn nothing and forget nothing. And those who think like them make policy for the Western superpower. God save all of us.

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Your column is a clear and brutally honest assessment of the situation that Israel in particular, and Jews in general, face. There was a time in the not too distant past that I was somewhat more optimistic. But after October 7th and the subsequent reaction by disturbingly large numbers, I now realize some ancient hatreds don’t die but for far too many remain simmering just below the surface. Very sad. I think Blinken is a moron veering to and fro like a rudderless ship, while the others are just grasping for a hopeful fantasy, partly posturing and partly sincere. I appreciate that you, Douglas Murray, and others are unflinchingly willing to articulate reality.

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I had the same reaction to the Ross-Makovsky piece. I am unsure whether Israel has the will to take over the government of Gaza.

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