"The national press hates Donald Trump. The local press wants the ratings. They will ask tough questions, but they will be the local, trusted faces. Trump has stories to tell.

"Every state is affected by illegal immigration and fentanyl. Every state has higher grocery and gas prices than when Trump was President, and most have higher crime rates."

Erickson is spot on here. That is exactly what made the difference for Trump in the midwest in 2016.

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I think we need to consider the possibility that at 78 (The same age Biden was in 2020) Trump is himself in some degree of cognitive decline at least for the high level nnecessary to campaign for (and govern as) president. Beyond the effect this would have on his ability to do what we know needs to be done, its raises a point as to whether it's safe for him to actually be commander in chief for four years as it did with Biden. This is a fine mess we are in given that the 45 year old Ron DeSantis was not only available but to the MAGA crowd, at perfectly acceptable substitute whose only sin was daring to challenge their Messiah. We reap what we sow.

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100% right. It looks very much like Trump is going to beat Trump again.

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