What Trump lies are you talking about? I've never heard him lie about anything. The worst he does is get a detail wrong here or there. I'm guessing his "lies" are like our "lies" - truthful statements that woke people don't like. This kind of BS doesn't make you seem fair, it makes you seem dishonest and cowardly, like you're trying desperately to appease the left by pretending both sides are equally bad these days. It's not true, and appeasement never works anyways.

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For sure, I'm trying to appease the left -- by calling Biden's statement a "point blank lie." My appeasement of the left also earned me this piece in the leftist mouthpiece, "Salon." https://www.salon.com/2015/07/30/criminal_justice_reformers_fatal_blindspot_what_supporters_of_mass_incarceration_get_that_opponents_dont/ And this piece from NPR essentially calling me a racist, https://www.npr.org/2018/03/02/590236153/trump-pick-for-sentencing-commission-has-history-of-racially-charged-remarks

Could you fill us in on how many brickbats you've taken from the MSM to advance the conservative cause? Or to advance Trump's mostly but not entirely conservative agenda on criminal law?

As for lies: Trump's main lie was and is that he won the 2020 election. I would have much preferred that he did, but he didn't, according to Pence and Bill Barr, etc. Are they lefties too? Indeed, all the polls, including the ones friendly to Trump (like Trafalgar and Rasmussen) said he would lose. Incumbents don't win in a wrecked economy, which is what we had courtesy of COVID and the lockdowns. This is just elementary, and why the Dems are also going to lose in four days.

Finally, anyone who has read Ringside for more than three minutes knows how much I "pretend both sides are equally bad." Wake up, Mr. Scott.

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Trump actually rarely lies. He mostly only says things liberals disagree with, which they dishonestly call “lies”. Ironic really.

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