Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by William Otis

It is true; if Trump could just tone it down and utilize the available, and quite true, plain facts they would speak for themselves and that would eliminate the aggrandized bits that the media so gleefully latches on to and runs with.


Trump will Trump;


Trump will out.

That is, he won't - or can't - do that. It ain't gonna happen. Which is frustrating to those of us who would like to see it, if only for watching the fallout.

As for the fact checking and the actual facts -- it's disgusting. Plus no one is going to pay any attention to it just as so few if any pay attention after the first sensational tweet or headline goes out and then is stealth corrected a few hours later. It's a nasty tactic. It is also pretty bad that people are so unaware of actual facts. Low information indeed.

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OOORR Trump is responding to this

Overheated Rhetoric Aimed at Trump, But Left and Media Blame TRUMP, w/ Buck Sexton and Bill Stanton


Sep 15, 2024

Megyn Kelly is joined by Buck Sexton and Bill Stanton to talk about the overheated rhetoric that's been aimed at former President Donald Trump by Kamala Harris and others since the first assassination attempt, some in the media now saying it's on Trump to lower the rhetoric, and more.

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I meant things like the facts to which he referred, correctly, in the "debate" but always with ahem extra flair. I firmly believe that the past 8 or so years of being pummeled day in and day out by the media telling us that he is a Nazi, and the biggest threat to democracy blah blah blah is why people are finally breaking and taking literal shots at him. Funny, they can say anything they want, and he can't. It's such a double standard and just another example of the rampant hypocrisy we aren't supposed to notice although they make no pretense of caring, either. In the meantime they blow up everything he says (bad orange stochastic terrorist) and everything has to be taken literally of course yaddah yaddah lie lie lie.

Interestingly, CNN (CNN!!!) of all things did a piece on Harris's campaign twitter account's mendacity and convenient editing of video clips to suit their narrative:


So weird; bet someone's fanny got booted for that one...

The more they make me defend him the more aggravated I get. But also the more supportive I become. .

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"I firmly believe that the past 8 or so years of being pummeled day in and day out by the media telling us that he is a Nazi, and the biggest threat to democracy blah blah blah is why people are finally breaking and taking literal shots at him. "

That COULD well be true, and it's worth pointing out that liberals are the first darkly to complain about "incendiary" or "dangerous" rhetoric when it's directed to them. The problem is that Trump's accusation (1) was not couched as a possibility but a fact, and (2) was specific to two individuals as to whom there is just no very good evidence that it's true.

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I contend that these examples (but a few, mind you) could support his accusation. More so I believe that the right unhinged actor could certainly take from these words a mandate to act.

I'm not saying that they did indeed specifically call for any such thing nor do I think they would. However the normalizing of ugly accusations, repeated constantly, can affect people in different ways: for those with TDS (hi dad!) it can confirm what they know or believe; to those who disagree it is a jumping off point for an argument, or a good railing on those jerks session, or some what-about-ism etc; and for a mentally ill person it might be just the push they need for action...

THE PRESIDENT: Donald Trump — Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation.


THE PRESIDENT: He is a threat to our freedom.


THE PRESIDENT: He is a threat to our democracy.


THE PRESIDENT: He’s literally a threat for everything America stands for.


"...Donald Trump has openly vowed, if reelected, he will be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country, and even — and I will quote — 'terminate' the United States Constitution."



2:30 - 3:42

(Yes Sky News --sorry ! A dearth of US compilation videos haha)

"Last night, Donald Trump posted on his official social media account a video talking about the America he would create if he wins. And it includes the following quote: “a unified Reich” — “a unified Reich,” unquote. “A unified Reich.” That’s not the language of an American president. That’s not the language of any American. That’s the language of Hitler’s Germany."

" He attacks his po- — his opponents as “vermin,” end quote. He says immigrants are, quote, “poisoning the blood” of America. That’s the language of Hitler’s Germany, not an American president."

"Folks, I can’t be — it can’t be any clearer. The threat Trump poses is greater his second time around than it was the first. This is the same Trump who got elected in 2016, and something snapped when he lost in 2020. He can’t accept the fact he lost. It’s literally driving him crazy."

"He not only is obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly become unhinged. Just listen to him. He says he wants to be a dictator on 'day one.' He says he wants to 'terminate' the Constitution. When asked if he thought violence would occur if he lost again, his comment was, 'It depends.' 'It depends.'

It depends? No American president ever said that until Trump came along."

"...Trump says if he loses again in November, there will be a, quote, 'bloodbath' — his phrase, not mine — his phrase. A bloodbath? When do presidents talk like that in American history?

But it’s not just a threat to our democracy that he poses; he’s a threat to our personal freedoms as well."

"Folks, Trump isn’t running to lead America. He’s running for revenge."


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If Memory Serves Media Research Center did a study several years ago (2019?) 92% of all stories about Donald Trump were negative. I mean 92%!

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To put it mildly we are in a good deal of trouble.

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Here is the thing, Corporate media has been doing this For Years Trump now, then Mitt Romney, John McCain, Does the Bushitler, Bush Led people Died, ring a bell? Ronald Reagan was praised by the media...after he died. When he was President War Monger, Dunce.

Andrew Klavan

The Media Is Victim-Blaming President Trump


Sep 16, 2024 #AndrewKlavan #DailyWire #Trump

With another attempt on Donald Trump's life, the media has responded by stooping to new lows of dishonesty. You won't believe what they are saying about the cause of this incident.



Donald Trump is a Giant Middle Finger to The Establishment. A Lot of Trump supporters don't know much about his Policies. They do know 2 things 1. When he was President things were pretty good, 2. The Powers That Be Hate Him, Lie about Him. So when you see a Trump 2024 sign, or a MAGA hat, what that really is, is a Giant F.U.

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The problem with the Giant F.U., strictly in electoral terms, is that it doesn't have 50% plus 1 of the electorate, and is a dicey basis at best for getting to 270 electoral votes.

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I'm not talking about How To Get Elected (Different Topic), I'm talking The Attitude of so many Trump Supporters.

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