
I wonder if there's a way Speaker Johnson could invite Trump to attend in a prominent seat in the gallery. If so, he should do it. I think it would be a masterstroke. Most of the county still supports Israel, because most of the country still has morals.

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Jun 18Liked by Paul Mirengoff

The Democrats are pigs. The worst ones in my opinion are the ones who pretend to be moderate and support Israel while betraying her in her our of greatest need. This describes most of the Democratic party with a few honorable exceptions. Among Senate Democrars I think John Fetterman is the only exception. I agree Netanyahu should come. He should come and lay our Israel's just behavior and it's moral prosecution of a war forced on it by psychopaths that the world for insane reasons adores. If the Democrars walk out or boycott it will be their first honest (though deeply dishonorable) act.

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Regardless of what Prime Minister Netanyahu says, the leftist- Democrats will engage with full-throat in a classic Ad hominem fallacy, attacking PM Netanyahu’s character and motives and will avoid addressing the actual issues.

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