Of course they will be back. Because they are at heart Marxist revolutionaries. And revolutionaries have boundless energy. They never really go away. They hibernate when conditions aren't ripe for them. Like in the 80s and 90s. Then they come back to poison a whole new generation. We, their opponents, are not revolutionaries we are small l liberals. We believe in process. And the rule of law. And by and large we lack their energy. It's what they are counting on. And eventually they believe the entire edifice of Western Civilization is going to crumble from within. And honestly seeing what is happening on campuses here and in Western Europe generally who's to say they are wrong.

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Three observations here:

1- If 'low-level' violations are not to be enforced, why have them? Repeal them and don't worry about it. We'd soon discover why we have them when everybody ignores stop signs.

2- Back in the 80s & 90s two other absurd causes arose: The recovered memory phenomenon in which young women were encouraged to 'remember' sexual predation visited upon them as children, usually by close family members; and the 'Satanic abuse' that allegedly happened at child care centers. In due course, these issues were made so toxic that few will admit to believing them now or even to having believed them then.

3- In the meantime, many innocent people were imprisoned or had their lives destroyed by the true believers in both cases. The entire McMartin family in CA found themselves destroyed financially and emotionally even though not one was found guilty at trial.

I would like to think that the day may not be far off when the police officers - including those involved with the Floyd fiasco - will see themselves restored to society. When that happens I hope they sue just as some of the guys inaccurately caught up in me-too have, Until there is a cost for making false charges, false charges will be made.

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Great. Paul's usual nuanced, graceful analysis. I would only add that things are changing in part because of forceful push back against race hustling. A wreckoning, to coin a word. Jim Dueholm

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