Feb 19Liked by William Otis


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There is a difference between chaos and planned chaos. My question is, do you believe that today's political spectrum is in chaos and if so which definition would you use. I believe the current political state is planned chaos--deliberately so convoluted that it is near impossible to make any sense of it no matter which way you approach it. Every conspiracy theory makes as much sense as the other but what does not make any sense at all it the political state we are experiencing.


So allow me this insanity, here we sit looking at a presidential election in the greatest nation in human history. There are two front runners currently, a white liberal career politician guy who belongs in a nursing home under 24-hr care and a white billionaire businessman who was a Clinton democrat who questioned and rejected the first black president and promised to return America to greatness.


Both guys are the epitome of what the enemies of America claim is wrong with America and therefore justifies the internal destruction of the nation. The enemy of America lives and exists in the highest level of political power in this nation and control the media. They are pointing to the two presidential candidates and saying, 'See check this out, here are the two reasons for burning the nation to the ground, these two products of the American Way are the proof of our just cause, look upon them and join us to purify this corrupt THING. The political system of the USA is broke and can't be fixed so we must burn it down.


A Fundamental Change We Can Believe In.

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In my 36 years of adult life (I'm 57) I have always been optimistic. I've studied American history for many decades and the US has always wiggled out-of tight spots whether it's the Civil War or the great depression or the disastrous 70s or anything else. But it's getting really hard to keep it up. The gates are falling one after the other. And I have no idea what's going to put them back. We could believe that the disastrous 70s were brought about by bad policy and poor leadership. A switch could save things. But the essential gates holding the country back from destroying our constitutional system were always there (whatever conservatives say about expanding federal power the system was still in place). Nixon resigned because it was unthinkable that Republican senators would save him. Presidents and candidates who lost elections, even very close ones, conceded and left office. Candidates had to pass a certain threshold of credibility or the public would reject them. Elected officials who committed egregious acts resigned. Congress at least to some extent took its job seriously. What is happening today on a bipartisan basis makes the things conservatives complained about in the past look like nothing. And so totally has the left taken over our institutions that I'm not sure we can recover it. We certainly won't do so with lunatics like Trump or glib politicians like DeSantis saying "Florida is where woke goes to die." These are extremely serious times and we have almost unimaginably unserious people making life and death positions. There may be a lot of ruin in a nation per Adam Smith but we are testing just how much.

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as usual, completely agree with you. But I will keep trying to be optimistic!

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If I had kids who achieve like your kids do, optimism would be easier!

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