I hope alumni are withholding support. Jim Dueholm

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I think one of the odder aspects is the assumption that those 'Federalist' students will need counseling. These students wouldn't be "Stanford Snowflakes" and then belong to the Federalist Society. It is almost unbelievable (but not quite) that someone in a position of authority at Stanford Law could be that obtuse.

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Not Sturmabteilung brownshirts, but of an identity with Red Guards. Utterly neo-Maoist.


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Perhaps conservative students could use a phrase that has been used before somewhere. Something like “No justice, no peace!” perhaps?

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I have my suspicion about the source of their shirt dye and its ready availability on the Stanford campus.

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Mar 18, 2023
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Stanley, Welcome aboard. I think you nailed it about as well as it gets nailed. Lawyering is ALL ABOUT listening to and dealing with opposing beliefs. If you can't do that, betake thyself to a different line of work.

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