Dear Mr. Otis: It's exasperating watching CT getting beaten up for his repeated omissions, the more so since the galling, glaring double standard with Sotomayor. When SS was originally nominated as a District Court judge by Bush41(a sin for which 41 is boiling in the infernal sulfur pit) she had this to say to the New York TIMES on 25 September 92:

"Of the impending drop in salary from private practice, Sotomayor said: "I've never wanted to get adjusted to my income because I knew I wanted to go back to public service. And in comparison to what my mother earns and how I was raised, it's not modest at all."

"I've never wanted to get adjusted to my income ..." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

We see how long that hypocrisy lasted---till her ascension to SCOTUS. Before then no publisher could be bothered with her bunk.

Back to CT. He keeps getting tripped up by not disclosing promptly. It's no good to bawl that the law doesn't require disclosure. CT is hated by the press, who will stop at nothing to attack him, and never mind the law. CT's only safe course is to disclose everything and take his lumps up front. Nothing will remain hidden from the press with a Justice Department ready to leak like Niagara Falls.

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Thomas is an outstanding intellect and jurist. Sotomayor is a latina.

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Please, please! A WISE Latina!!

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Good post. The times call for a tweak on a Q and A we heard as kids. It should now be:

Q. What's black and white and red all over?

A. The New York Times and the Washington Post

Jim Dueholm

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They might be red all over but are no longer read all over. I think their circulation figures are in the tank. And thanks for your comments here -- always welcome.

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No surprise here. Remember the Bork confirmation hearings? I do. Remember the Thomas hearings? I do. How about a more recent episode, the Kavanaugh hearings. The same assclown corrupt machine politician (Biden) was involved in all of them, recall it was Harris as a senator that led the attempted derailment of Kavanaugh. The communist party USA aka the democrat party have been doing this for over a century.

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