May 24·edited May 24Liked by William Otis

Well, I'm one of those Reagan supporters who never trusted Bush, but I get it. Cotton would be great, and is one of the few republicans isn't afraid of a fight, and we need fighters.

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I worked for Bush in WH Counsel's Office. He always treated me well, even though I was the lowest man on the totem pole. So I remember him fondly. And he did nominate Clarence Thomas and stuck with him through thick and thin. There was plenty of the latter. He never wavered.

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His fortitude in the Thomas nomination was a great credit to him. So was his response to Sadam's invasion of Kuwait and his judgement in conducting and ending the resulting war. Unlike his son, he did not fall for fool's errand of nation building.

I distrusted him because I suspected he was never a believer in reducing the size and scope of the federal government, and also because he was a CIA director.

On economics, I think that's why giving in to the democrat tax hike hurt him so badly in '92 - it confirmed the suspicions of people like me who winced at his "Voodoo economics" remark when he was campaigning against Reagan.

However, it looks like he was the last President who took debt and deficit seriously and tried to do something about it, even if it was on the wrong side of the ledger.

And despite his CIA connection, I don't think we see much blowback from his use of the CIA while President. He certainly didn't meddle aggressively (and counterproductively) in the affairs of foreign countries - nothing close to what the Clintons were doing in Russia, or what Obama (via Victoria Nuland) was doing in Ukraine and Israel. I might be wrong about that, but I can't remember anything resembling the 2014 Maidan Coup on his watch.

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He would be an excellent choice. Recall that the NY Times literally fired its editor over the decision to run an op Ed by Cotten.

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May 28Liked by William Otis

From your lips to God's ears!

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I’m not sure he’d give Trump a boost among squishy independents, particularly females. I think Sen. Cotton would be an outstanding choice, but I’m already voting for Trump. Still, I’d be proud to support such a ticket.

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Hell, yes. I like Burgum but he’s a double. Cotton is a home run.

If Trump was capable of it (he’s not), he should hide in the basement and let Cotton do all of the talking. He’s smart, articulate, and doesn’t come off as overbearing like Ted Cruz.

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