Calling Good People "Racist" Isn't New: the Case of Ty Cobb | 5 Minute Video


Apr 3, 2017 5-Minute Videos

Ruining someone's name is very easy. So is calling them a "racist." Take the case of Ty Cobb, one of the greatest baseball players ever. Cobb is known as a racist and a dirty ballplayer. Is it true? Charles Leerhsen, author of "Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty" sets the record straight.

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Your baseball columns are much appreciated. Although a long time Mets fan I can’t pretend to be anywhere as knowledgeable about the game. I did have one question that I haven’t seen addressed anywhere—maybe because my perception is wrong. That is this: my feeling is that there are far more blowout games (working definition games decided by 7 runs or more?) than when I was young. Is this true and, if so, why?

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