Unfortunately, I fear you are right. We will get another four years of censorship for the greater good, demands we not only “affirm” that 2+2=5, but also base our policy on this obvious lie, and open borders turning us into a third world nation.

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I guess all you McCain & Romney supporters miss the good old days of smashing GOP Presidential victories!

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Right, because there is no one in between “McCain & Romney” and Trump.

It’s a gaping maw, holding dozens of strong Republicans who don’t instantly turn off voters.

McCain and Romney lost to a good politician, something Clinton, Biden, and Harris are not.

A generic Republican would have this race sewn up already.

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I agree. He is likely to lose.

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1. Maybe, BUT if he does the election had better be Pure As The Driven Snow. No Strange, Unusual occurrences. Otherwise BOOM. And it won't be a bunch of people wandering around The Capital taking selfies.

2. If he does win (please god) get ready for George Floyd (mostly peaceful) Riots on Steroids.

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true and frustrating. Plucking defeat from the jaws of victory

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"It’s not just that Trump is an appallingly dishonest narcissist. It’s also that he has led the party to three consecutive defeats, yet is still its champion"

Have You Ever asked WHY? May I recommend getting out of The Beltway and spend some time talking to Trumpers.

"How did it happen? The answer resides to a significant extent in the most damning fact about Republican intelligence. Trump managed, without sufficient evidence, to convince a big majority of Republicans that his defeat was not legitimate."

Maybe Biden Did really win (81 Million Votes? Give..Me..A..Break!). I've been Following Presidential races since Nixon v Kennedy. In those 40 years Nothing comes remotely close to what I saw in the 2020 Race/Election night.

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I have to say, the more I see “baselessly” or “falsely” added to every single mention of Trump’s claims about a rigged election, the less I believe the 2020 election was clean.

I feel the same way about “settled science”. The only topic that gets that treatment is AGW. Evolution, to take another contentious example, never seems to need that constant affirmation from the media - probably because the evidence is overwhelming.

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I have Questions. Questions I have never seen really Answered.

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Every word is true, but to cut Republican voters a little (but not much) slack, Trump was completely beatable for the nomination this time until Democrats started the series of mostly outrageous criminal and civil cases against him. True almost all were based on bad behavior—sometimes very bad behavior—by him. Over most were a horrible, politicized abuse of the legal. Although it was foolish, I get it why his Republican support firmed up.

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Brutally honest column. All is not yet lost, but if Trump continues the campaign without curbing his nasty, petty, and apparently instinctive behavior, even an extraordinarily poor candidate with an extraordinarily poor record like Harris can win. After surviving an assassination attempt with defiance and grit just a shot time ago, this didn’t seem a realistic possibility. It is now and mainly for the reasons you’ve laid out.

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We are in a lot of trouble. Harris is going to win andf she is going to be a disaster. At home, abroad and elsewhere. But I am remembering now why I turned dead against Trump. He is inconceivably manifestly unfit for either office or to even win the office. I feel like the ball is one foot from the whole and we have nominated a player with no arms. I will take heart that this country has a lot of ruin in it and we can recover from this but I sure hope Israel and other allies are making plans for what's to come. Ukraine is probably doomed.

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They are both unfit. I am voting for the party whose ideas are less destructive to the nation. I am also voting for the party that is more likely to behave since the media won’t cover for them. Power corrupts, and the Ds have held institutional power for so long that they’ve slid into being the authoritarians they claim to fear.

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