I can't disagree with you and this is simply the culmination of the Democrats' endless reckless disregard for the long term consequences of attacking or in some cases doing away with norms. Certainly the Republicans decision to take as their champion this largely despicable man plays some role but ultimately it's the Democrats that attack the Constitution, the electoral college the USSC and anything else that gets in the way of their preferred desires. I do expect the increasingly reckless Republicans to respond in kind because how could anyone expect otherwise. The worst of it is in this weakest of all possible cases, I don't expect anyone to change their minds based on it. They did this as a Hail Mary for nothing. What will it take to get us out of this death spiral for the American system as we know it? It will take a unique and truly special political figure. I don't think one exists right now.

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I disagree with your premise. This miscarriage of justice won’t lead to a cycle of retaliation and revenge; the Republicans are too weak and too divided to pull that off. The psychopathic hatred of Trump that the Democrats and Never Trumper Rinos have obsessively displayed is not because of January 6; It’s because of their fear & loathing of the OUTSIDER.

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Right on. The Democrats better pray for victory, for with their lawfare for eight years and more they have sowed the wind. In the pre-election run, we need to await the polls, but I gotta believe those with an open mind will be offended by this. And it may increase the ranks of never and hesitant Trumpers who say, as one of the Democratic senators said in announcing in responce to FDR's attempt to stack the Supreme Court, "here is where I cash in my chips." Jim Dueholm

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