Jul 5, 2022Liked by William Otis

Damn good post. I’d shake that kid’s hand if I met him.

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Your acquaintance must have really been put through the wringer in the previous summer when malefactors in Portland, Oregon spent three months rioting every night and trying to burn down a federal courthouse.

Unlike the self-styled "Antifas", most of the people who went down to Washington on the Sixth did NOT go to DC to raise heck. A small group of people tore down the fencing around the Capitol so that ordinary Americans intending lawful demonstration never realized their very presence on the grounds was a crime and then manipulated the crowd into entering the bldg.

https://www.revolver.news/2021/12/damning-new-details-massive-web-unindicted-operators-january-6/ is worth a read if you have the time. I don't love the tone, and it certainly makes a few logical leaps that are unwarranted, but its frequent references to jan6attack.com (hardly a pro-Trump site) show that they are at least proceeding from the facts. (jan6attack is a lefty, crowd-sourcing site)

If there was any evidence that Trump was somehow involved with those people who breached the grounds, the J6 Committee should have definitely focused on that. The fact that they have not focused on the nuts and bolts of the physical situation (e.g., who opened the Columbus doors, they could not be opened from the outside; how did Harris' Secret Service detail miss the pipe bomb on their building sweep before she came to the DNC) stinks on ice, much less the seeming inability of the authorities to identify people like the one that jan6attack calls NWscaffoldcommander or the removal of Ray Epps from the FBI most wanted list.

Don't misunderstand me. I think at this point, running Trump again negates the ability to attack Biden on his age. I lived through Reagan's second term and we do not need that again (just look at Biden now, he's further gone than Reagan ever was in office). But do not be deceived into thinking that throwing Trump overboard will magically make everything better. We could run Gov Hogan for President, and Hogan would become a "Nazi who is a mortal threat to 'Our Democracy'".

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It’s be really nice to live a world where it wasn’t necessary to vote for a man like Donald Trump for president but unfortunately we are in the midst of an actual civil war against actual Communists which are aligned against us with Neo-Fascist Eugenicist Globalist Oligarchs and we need someone that can fight this battle in ways that may seem distasteful or occasionally downright dirty. Is there someone else that can fight more effectively? Perhaps Ronny D? That’d be sweet. Hard to say at this point. That said, I would belly crawl over white shards of broken glass to vote for Trump if I must. And at the rate of our deterioration, I’d say the chances of that actually being required are getting better by the day.

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I too would like a candidate other than Trump, but, like Bill Barr, would vote for him if he is the candidate.

Policy not only matters; it trumps (no pun intended), particularly given what the Democratic party has become.

There are a couple reasons there would likely not be Jan. 6 redux if Trump runs and loses again. As a former president, he would have no power. Part of Trump's rage was based on the well-founded belief election laws were bent to the breaking point. A case SCOTUS hears next term will likely put the kibosh on that.

Jim Dueholm

Jim Dueholm

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Trump managed make major changes to the Supreme Court amoung other Washington institutions. Now we should dump him for somebody else? Trump's accomplishments were not so easy that anyone could do it. We don't want to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.

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