"Is Trump-as-Caesar plausible? It might be if you drink enough NeverTrump Kool Aid."

There are many Many MANY things I don't get. Right Up There is NeverTrump. These are some really smart knowledgeable people. Ok Ok Not liking a Republican President, Opposing some of his policies, I Get That, its the LOATHING they have for Donald Trump I Don't Get.

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Good post. Those who fear dictator Trump point to January 6, 2021. His actions on and around that day were the actions of a loser. The best way to avoid a dictator Trump is to vote for him so he won't be a loser. His 1/6 actions can't be likened to his presidential governance. Jim Dueholm

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Why are we responding to a fictitious narrative concocted by the lunatic left ? Why aren’t we talking about the Leftist Fascists stealing another election and installing another pinhead empty suit in the Oval Office while Emperor Obama continues to fundamentally transform the country formerly known as America?

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I agree with your last paragraph. But man are we lowering the bar on what is acceptable and not acceptable in a president. "Won't be able to become a dictator even if he wants to" doesn't fill my heart with joy. I think we are in for an awful ride whichever of them wins the election. I still can't wrap my mind around the idea that the two major candidates are going to be the 78 year old narcisistic Trump or the 82 year old senile cypher Biden.

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I hear you, believe me. My adult years have taught me a stern truth: Life is choosing. When you're a kid, lots of the choices are neat -- do I go out for the soccer team or the track team? When you get to my age, the quality of the choices is, ummmm, different -- does the country get the awful or the dreadful?

Welcome to 2024.

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I prefer to think about the lyric Rush "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice."

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