Great post. We have some control over a second term Biden-Harris administration --- vote for Donald Trump. Jim Dueholm

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The saving grace in France is that Macron will continue to run foreign policy and while he certainly hasn’t been great for Israel he’s been OK and a victory by the “far right” could actually push him to be better.

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It's not wonderful to contemplate and certainly British Jewry will need to take a serious look at whether they have a future in Britain (I assume French Jewry has already determined this for themselves in the negatice). BUT France doesn't matter a lick to Israel. It has been hostile for many decades. It has no power. No one cares what the French think about anything. Britain is a bit more important but still the ONLY country that matters is the United States and the Democratic party is on a one way track towards full anti-Zionism. It bodes poorly but since the Democrats will inevitably take power with regularity, Israel cannot rely on the election of a Republican president. Israel must find a way to be free of the need for American aid and support on the assumption it won't be there.

Regarding Britain and France, in the end the right will take power with a mandate to end the Islamic takeover of their countries. If this does not happen by government action the people will take things into their own hands. Europe has a history of terrible violence towards those they consider outsiders (traditionally Jews) the European people will not walk openly to an Islamic fate. But the sacrifice may be the liberal American led order.

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